Fire Part 2
 Making Fire

 Fire Part 1

 Fire Part 2

 Experienced Clay

7. Compress the long roll to make a shorter, fat roll.

If you had made a millefieri cane and reduced it you would probably not want to try to scale it back up by squashing it into a larger roll. But when making fire, some deformation is desirable... but not too much or it will look more swirled and less like fire.

8. Compress shorter, fat roll into a rectangular solid.

It doesn't need to be a cube, but it should be a block with more or less vertical sides and a flat top and bottom.

9. Look carefully at the block and determine which direction to cut slices to yield a fire pattern.

There really is a best direction to slice the block. In one direction you will get mostly lines. In another (cutting as if it were a millefiori cane) you'll get some variation, but it won't look like fire as much as the third direction.

The ones below were cut in the wrong direction.

10. Cut one slice to clean up the end and see whether you've cut in the right direction.

The best way to know for sure is to cut a slice off and see. Each slice will look different, but you'll know after even one if you are cutting in the wrong direction.

11. Cut additional slices as needed for projects.

Either leave it as a solid block or cut thin slices to use on future projects.

I connect them side to side to make a long strip of fire. Taller fire sections require a taller block.

I use sheets of paper to display and store the small sections of fire.


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