Images From Events
 Howard Cohen


 Pendants II



 Michael Marx

 Images From Events

Howard Cohen is an artist and engineer. His media of choice are polymer clay, wood, electroluminescent wire, fabric and electrical conduit. In addition to the polymer clay art in this gallery, his various art projects include a an elecroluminescent jellyfish named 3na, a 25' x 25' by 15' high replica of Buckminster Fuller's nose., and numerous woodworking projects.

"Creating art helps balance the time I spend working on technical projects. Its one way people can see and appreciate what I make -- my career has often lacked that."

Howard was born in Stockton, California and has lived in the San Francisco Bay Area since 1980. He creates his art in his Alameda warehouse.

This gallery contains Howard Cohen's polymer clay art in several categories.

Click on the links at the left to view images in each category.

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All information and images Copyright 2001 Howard Cohen. All rights reserved worldwide.